Congratulation – 125TH Anniversary Of Omega UK

In 1848, the young watchmaker, Louis Brandt, established a pocket watch manufacture that was the predecessor of Omega. In 1894, the two sons of Louis Brandt, Louis Paul and Louis César designed the 19 movement. The movement changed the whole watchmaking industry. These two brothers called the advanced movement “OMEGA” and then the world famous watch brand came out. The reliable movement lays the foundation of the success of the hot copy Omega watches.

The 18k gold copy watches have red dials.
Red Dials Copy Omega De Ville 435. Watches

This year is the 125th anniversary of Omega. This famous brand launched the special fake Omega De Ville 435. watches. The masters of Omega took out the original 19 movements from its museum and polished and renovated them. The latest watches are equipped with the excellent movement.

The special fake watches are designed for the 125th anniversary of Omega.
Special Fake Omega De Ville 435. Watches

In 40 mm, the 18k gold replica watches have red alligator leather straps and red enamel dials with 18k gold hour marks and hands. The 18k gold backs are decorated with red enamel badge of 125th anniversary of Omega. At the beginning of 2019, the red watches are worth for buying.